Thursday, September 25, 2008

Happy Birthday, ScienceBoy!

Okay, so I'm almost two weeks late with this post...but at least the scanner is now officially hooked up to the computer. So, my procrastination means I can post pictures! Also, these pictures are three years old! But they are some of my favorite pictures of ScienceBoy, so I had to post them :)

We have a tradition that the birthday boy (or girl, depending on who's birthday it is...) gets to choose the dinner menu. You would think that a 10-year-old boy would pick something like pizza or hamburgers or macaroni and cheese...but no. ScienceBoy, like his brother SpiderMan in February, completely cracked me up with his distinguished palette. When I called to ask what ScienceBoy would like for dinner at his birthday party, without hesitation of any kind, he answered: artichokes, steak, and some sort of punch, please. Seriously. First thing out of his mouth was "artichokes." He also told me that at the top of his birthday wish list were a mug with his name painted on it and an eagle statue. Again, he's 10! Crazy kid!

Needless to say, he did get his birthday dinner of artichokes and steak - although we forgot about the punch until it was too late. He also got a kit to decorate his own mug and AngelFish and LSOC found him an eagle statue at the fair. I think he had a great birthday.

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