Sunday, November 9, 2008

30 Days of Thanksgiving #9

I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who loves me enough to push me to help me grow. I was recently prompted that it was time to be brave and try the Singles Branch in my Stake. And while that doesn't sound like a very hard thing to do to some people, it is very hard for me. I don't like change (see my previous post about control issues!). I've also been rather isolated because of my health (which, thankfully, is improving!). But I think the hardest thing for me is leaving my home ward.

I grew up in my home ward. Half of the ward feels like they helped raise me - and they did. I have at least a dozen extra "Grandma"s in my home ward. They see the full potential in me. They pray for me, cry for me, cheer for me and are always there to offer the best hugs in the world. My home ward was literally home. My time there has been a time of renewal for me.

I am so grateful for the concept of a ward family. I am grateful for all of my extra "Grandma"s. I am grateful for this period of rest and renewal. And I am grateful that it will always be my home ward - I can always visit and come back.

I have been to the Singles Branch a couple of times now, and I am so grateful for the kindness and welcome that has been shown to me. I am grateful for the opportunity to meet new people and socialize again. I am grateful for the opportunity to be brave and to grow.

I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who always sees my full potential and prompts me to find it myself.

1 comment:

Sister Leitner said...

Hi Julie. I'm glad that you made the decision to come to the Singles ward. It was a nice surprise to see you there. I enjoyed hearing you share your testimony on Fast Sunday. Everyone will love you just as much as I do as they get to know you.